Tuesday 19th April 2022

Starhub Enterprise Messaging Platform - Notice of Planned Service Maintenance - FINAL

Dear Customer,

We are writing to inform you that we have completed the maintenance work on the Starhub Enterprise Messaging Platform.

Maintenance start time: Wednesday 20/Apr/2022 - 03:00 SGT/PHT CDT – Tuesday 19/Apr/2022 – 14:00 / AEST – Wednesday 20/Apr/2022 – 05:00

Maintenance end time: Wednesday 20/Apr/2022 - 06:00 SGT/PHT CDT – Tuesday 19/Apr/2022 – 17:00 / AEST – Wednesday 20/Apr/2022 – 08:00

Impact: [Was there any downtime or queued messages and if so then state for how long etc]